Iron Physical Therapy

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Teenage Patient "Back on the Horse" 4 Months After Knee Surgery

Meet our October Patient of the Month! Her name is Noa. She is a horseback rider, runner, skier, and a very hard worker.

Noa is one of the most hardworking and modest teenagers I know, who only just 4 months ago had knee surgery to address her repeated dislocation of her patella. She never complained, put in the work at home and at PT, and all with a smile.


She has now returned to her two loves: distance running and horseback riding, where just this past weekend she was runner up in a competition!


Hard work pays off, so always keep your goals in mind! #getbetterbebetter

In her own words...

List Three Words to Describe You: Athletic, talented, hard-working, bubbly


What Brought You Into Physical Therapy? Knee dislocations then recovery after MPFL surgery


What exercise or technique (ie., ART, Graston, McKenzie etc.) helped you the most? Active Release Technique

What would you say to someone who is living in pain and putting off physical therapy? Go already!


What activities are you most excited about getting back to? Running, horseback riding, and skiing