Iron Physical Therapy

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Patient Gets IRONMAN Ready with Physical Therapy

Loren is one of the most hard working and diligent athletes we have had the pleasure of working with…you have to be if you're a working mom training for an Ironman!

Problems are bound to arise when training at such a high volume for a long period of time, and Loren knew that in order to complete the Ironman she had to take care of her body. She was battling a few different issues during the last few months of her training, but always came in with a smile and good attitude no matter how she was feeling that day.

Each visit kept me on my toes, but with consistent PT, prescribed exercises, and recovery IN CONJUNCTION with her training, she is now an IRONMAN! We are so proud of her - SHE IS IRON!


1) List three words to describe you: Determined, Passionate, Happy

2) What brought you into physical therapy? We (Fleet Feet) have a great relationship with Iron Physical Therapy, and I recently had some good friends who experienced success after being treated at Iron PT. I also needed to change things up with my current physical therapy routine.

3) How would you describe physical therapy to people who don't know what it is? Physical Therapy is my "go to" if I feel an injury coming on. DPTs will help develop a plan to not only combat your injury but to also address any inefficiencies allowing you to maintain maximum health.

4) What exercise or technique helped you the most? Both ART and Graston Techniques.

5) What would you say to someone who is living in pain and putting off physical therapy? Why?!! You owe it to yourself to go to physical therapy to troubleshoot an injury and/or chronic pain.

6) What activities are you most excited about getting back to? I'm feeling great and giving my body some time to recover from Ironman Louisville. I'm looking forward to getting back to running and strength training. However, I plan on keeping a well-rounded workout routine which will include cycling and swimming, too. My body could use a little less of the impact sports!

7) What did you enjoy most about your PT experience? My therapists all seemed personally invested in my goals and my full return to activity. As a coach and competitive athlete, I really appreciated that level of care and concern.