Iron Physical Therapy

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Student Baseball Player Comes Back Stronger Than Before His Injury

Each month, Iron Physical Therapy highlights a special patient to tell their inspiring story. We want to honor the people who go all in - body, mind and spirit. They show us what’s possible - that you can move on from a setback to do amazing challenge your body, to chase your dreams, to address pain in a healthy way to #getbetterbebetter.

Read Connor’s story below and then click here to read more inspiring patient stories.


Connor came to Iron after surgery to rehab an elbow injury that occurred while playing baseball over 4 months ago.

When this student athlete began PT, he was unable to straighten his elbow and had lost most of the strength in his upper body. He has been a great example of how valuable hard work and consistency are for returning to sports performance after an injury.

One of Connor’s biggest goals was to address his full body movement restrictions and learn how to train his body to be the best athlete possible. He has developed an understanding of how limitations in shoulder and thoracic mobility, shoulder strength, core stability, etc. can influence elbow health.

He is now back to playing baseball where he is throwing harder and hitting the ball further than ever before! Even though he is pain free, he continues to grind in PT to reduce the risk of reinjury while optimizing his baseball performance. Great work Connor!

-Dr. Chris Aherne, PT DPT

In Connor’s Own Words…

What Brought You Into Physical Therapy?

A baseball injury. I fractured my elbow.

What advice do you have for athletes who get injured?

Put the work in and stay positive. Use PT and the recovery process to work harder and push to the next level.

Also, stay close to your team. It can be tough at times seeing your teammates playing and only being able to encourage them from the sidelines but no matter how hard the journey, you must push through the time of adversity and hardship. Even sidelined, you are still part of the team.

While I was not on the field, I was at every practice and game. That time, the team and lessons learned made being off the field easier. More importantly, it made me a better ball player.

How would you describe PT to your teammates?

PT has been a great experience and has made me stronger than before my injury and has improved the way I feel on and off the field.

What has been you biggest motivation to #getbetterbebetter?

My teammates, coaches and family have been extremely supportive and encouraging throughout my rehab. The thought of rejoining them on the field and playing baseball again better than before motivated me to #getbetterbebetter.

What have you learned at PT that you didn’t know before?

I have learned the importance of mobility training exercises and strengthening the little muscles just as much as the big ones.

I have been taught so many great exercises, that I have now changed my whole training routine to include these exercises to help keep me on the field.