Three Ways CrossFit Helps Every Day Movements

How does CrossFit and strength training benefit your mobility and wellness? It trains your muscles, joints, and ligaments for functional strength (AKA movements you use regularly)!

How does CrossFit benefit your mobility and wellness? It trains your muscles, joints, and ligaments for functional strength.

CrossFit not only helps you reach your body or strength goals, but it can give you the foundation you need for many real world movements. Think about every time you stand up, sit down, or pick up your kids.

Don’t believe us? Count how many times you do the 3 movements in this video in one day of your life!

Here are 3 ways that DPT Dr. Geno Mayes of Iron Physical Therapy Caldwell uses Crossfit in his daily life.

1. Deadlift: This move works the legs, glutes, and even core. It develops muscles and movements that are used in physical labor and picking things up the your lifting your dog into the car!

2. Back Squat: Squats are a very natural movement that most, if not all, people use in their daily lives. Not only do they build a lot of muscle mass in your quads and hamstrings, but they also improve flexibility and movement efficiency. It has never been easier to give my little girl a piggy back ride!

3. Thruster: This move combines an overhead press with a front squat to create a great compound exercise. You'll be ready to lift any child running your way, like in this video! It provides unilateral training, injury resilience, and overall muscle development that will prepare you for even the most unexpected.


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