Thanks for reaching out!

You did it. You took a big step towards taking care of yourself.

We’ll reach out shortly to connect with so we can discover more about your journey and how we can help you #getbetterbebetter.

If you’ve never been to physical therapy before, click here to see what to expect at your first visit and beyond.

Check out What our patients have to say about their ‘Iron experience’ 👇:

What are you waiting for? You want to Get Better? Be Better? Each day you are not able to be your best is a day you don’t get to enjoy to the fullest.
— Bill
“Physical therapy at Iron is more than having muscles, knees, backs, necks or ankles ‘fixed.’ It is an experience of being made whole in body, mind and spirit!”
— BH
I suggest you reach out and try it sooner than I did. Unfortunately it took me over a year to book my first PT session. I tried going to a chiropractor, wellness center and even stopped working out. Eventually I went to PT and immediately within a few sessions I felt a big difference. I was literally at my wits end and thought I would be dealing with my back pain forever. What I realized is that it doesn’t hurt to walk in, tell someone about your pain and see what physical therapy has to offer you.
— TJ
It is not normal, or at all enjoyable, to be living in pain. Making the choice to start physical therapy and committing to your recovery will truly impact your quality of life in and out of your sport.
— Zoe
I was in the same boat once in a lot of pain and didn’t want to do anything. The first time I went to physical therapy I was nervous, but the more I went, the more fun it became. I was actually excited to go and get stronger. Before my surgery I was working out 3-4 days a week and now I am working out 5-6 times a week. Feeling stronger and seeing results is addicting! ~
— Carmen
Everyone at Iron PT is an actual gem! It feels like you are just checking in with those family members that love you but hold you accountable.
— Genelle
In life there are choices and how we deal with pain is one of those choices. We can give in to pain and allow it to keep us as a prisoner within our own body, or we can strive our best to overcome the pain.

The linchpin is the help of a therapist-partner to overcome the limits of our physical pain. It is true we can exercise on our own, but PT supplies the personal plan, the encouragement, the listening ear, and the words “two more”, that I hear so frequently from my therapist and encourager that gets me through the point where I would have stopped on my own.
— Joe
“After months of forgetting what it’s like to feel “normal,” I now know what a day is like without back pain. I appreciate my PT’s patience, positive attitude, and the push I needed to get over my fear & back into shape. My kids think they have their “old mom” back.
— Meredith
Walking into Iron, I had doubts that my shoulder would ever feel better. Everyone, including the doctor who diagnosed me, told me I needed to encourating DPT felt otherwise. I needed to move it, and I needed to strengthen it. Little by little, she had me doing the movements again. She had me believing I would get better.
— Chris, Crossfitter
Physical therapy is what keeps me going while being sidelined from an injury. It is putting yourself in the hands of doctors that are also athletes; the main goal is to make you stronger so that you can get back to doing what you love.  My physical therapy appointments have kept me staying positive these last few months. I have had several setbacks, but I felt confident I would get through it if I stayed patient and trusted the plan. Like everything else in life, you have to do the work if you want the results. Physical therapy is the best way to keep yourself strong and pain free if you are injured or feel that you have an area of weakness. 
— Cori
Physical therapy after an injury is critical - I started it before surgery and continue post surgery. I tell my family that my PT appointments are the most important three hours of my week. I think PT is the one thing that helps me think I can actually get back to the activities I love doing. The DPTs teach you techniques and give you confidence that you’re gonna be okay.
— Liz