How Exercise Can Help You Treat Pain and Depression

Imagine you've been suffering with chronic neck pain for months. You can no longer get a good night's sleep, care for your kids easily or complete the workouts you used to love. Over time, this kind of physical stress can actually result in emotional issues associated with depression such as irritability, mood changes, anxiety and more.

The Exhausting Cycle - Pain and Depression

Pain and depression have always been closely related. Depression can cause or worsen pain — and pain (especially chronic pain) can cause or worsen depression.

If you're experiencing any part of this vicious cycle, you can turn to a physical therapist as part of your support system to begin healing physically and emotionally using the POWER OF M-O-V-E-M-E-N-T.

PTs know what other healthcare professionals are just starting to recognize that movement is the free, mood-boosting medicine that can immediately get you headed in the right direction.

But it's hard to move when you're in pain or when you're feeling depressed. That's where physical therapists come in. They can address your physical pain right away and also provide accountability and encouragement to overcome mental roadblocks.

Exercise is proven to help with the following:

  • Strength and flexibility

  • Sleep

  • Memory

  • Self-confidence

  • Weight loss

  • Brain health and memory

  • Energy

  • Mood

That feeling after a great workout!!

Even small changes could improve your outlook and your ability to participate in activities you once enjoyed. So, what are you waiting for?


Student Athlete Returns to Volleyball after Physical Therapy


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