Running Again After ACL Injury: A Comeback Story

Each month, Iron Physical Therapy highlights a special patient to tell their inspiring story. We want to honor the people who go all in - body, mind and spirit. They show us what’s possible - that you can move on from a setback to do amazing challenge your body, to chase your dreams, to address pain in a healthy way to #getbetterbebetter.

Check out Zack’s story below and then click here to read more inspiring patient stories.


Meet Zack…runner, golfer and our outstanding patient of the month! Has been a model of consistency at our Midland Park office, overcoming his knee pain and prioritizing his health and goals.

Besides working in the city and spending time caddying on the golf course, Zack has been committed to challenging himself every step of the way. With a goal to get back to running, Zack has overcome his ACL injury and even signed up for a half marathon in September, with no convincing. It is a pleasure to work with people who have the work ethic and determination to push their limits and see what they’re capable of.

Here’s a little more about how Zack was able to come out of PT better than he started!

-Dr. Jeremy Nardiello PT, DPT

In Zack’s Own Words…

Why do you run?

I run to clear my head. When you’re running, you are muffled from all a noises around you. You just feel free.

what brought you into physical therapy?

I had a partially torn ACL which has progressed and now I am building up strength to get the confidence back on my right leg.

What can you share about the mental and physical setbacks of having to slow down your training to recover?

I see setbacks like a round of golf. In life you’re going to have good breaks and bad breaks. It’s how you react from those bad breaks that’s important. I have had plenty of set backs and currently going through one now. I can’t get too discouraged because I know Iron has a great team that’s going to help me get better.

What are you most excited to get back to?

I’m most excited to live my life being active and not have to worry about my knee giving out on me.

What advice do you have for other athletes who are dealing with pain?

No matter what, your health is most important. There is always a way to bounce back and keep your head up.


Meet Dr. Sandra Stoddard, DPT at Iron Physical Therapy


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