Dedication and Smiles: The Recipe for PT Patient Success


After meeting Ann for just a moment, you clearly see how dedicated she is! 

Not only does she come to every physical therapy appointment, but she performs her homework with due diligence! Ann is always smiling while doing her favorite exercises like balancing beautifully on the the foam. She also dedicates most of her time to her family, always putting them first.

Thanks for being such a beam of light at the clinic!

Dr. Marnie Wortman, DPT

In her words...

1. List Three Words to Describe You: Determined, Hard-working, Dedicated

2. What Brought You Into Physical Therapy? I suffered from Plantar Fasciitis and IT Band pain for months. I thought I could work it out and stretch it out myself, but it only got worse. 

3. How would you describe physical therapy to people who don't know what it is? I always thought Physical Therapy was only for athletes with injuries or those who suffered from something severe. Physical Therapy is a way of getting rid of that pain, whether it be from an injury or just the aging process, without the use of painkillers. Physical therapy also teaches you how to continue to be pain-free, especially if it's due to aging. I have learned how important it is to keep limber in order to avoid injuries and/or pain that can occur as we get older. 

4) What exercise or technique helped you the most? The Graston Technique definitely helped me with another injury I had, but this time I would say Active Release Technique and stretching. I also love the e-stim and heat!

5) What would you say to someone who is living in pain and putting off physical therapy? Don't put off making that call if you have pain. Within just two sessions, I saw a noticeable improvement, and have continued to improve.

6) What activities are you most excited about getting back to? I would love to get back to the gym, and I would also love to just be able to take my dog for a walk without pain.

7) What did you enjoy most about your PT experience? The Physical Therapists and staff at Iron PT are the greatest. The atmosphere is welcoming and friendly. Dr. Wortman is a miracle worker!


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