4 NFL Teams Who Love NormaTec Recovery Boots as much as we do!
We're deep into football season and thought it would be fun to spotlight some of the NFL teams that love Normatec compression so much they've created full recovery rooms for their athletes. For years now, coaches and trainers have relied on Normatec systems to keep their athletes in peak condition throughout long seasons. Whether recovering from an injury, or making sure the next performance is at 100%, Normatec is a powerful tool in your arsenal to recover faster between workouts by reducing muscle soreness and improving circulation.
Iron PT loves offering our local athletes the same type of recovery experience that's available to the pros.
1. The Baltimore Ravens
The Ravens use the NormaTec tecnology before and after practices for prime recovery. “It’s effective, results-driven, and easy to use, especially in a team setting. I have been impressed by the player feedback and regular usage of the many units that we have," said Steve Saunders, the Ravens’ Director of Performance and Recovery according to baltimoreravens.com.
2. The Kansas City Chiefs
Video via chiefs.com
According to The Chiefs' Head Athletic Trainer, their recovery room is used mostly for prevention and less for treatment in order to keep the number of injuries as low as possible.
3. The Dallas Cowboys
The Cowboys Fitness Center features top of the line sports performance recovery techniques that include NormaTec Recovery Boots.
Video via NTrecovery
The Rams' recovery room was the first ever to be sponsored by NormaTec in 2014. Since the ground breaking event, NormaTec has become present in every locker room in the NFL one way or another. Players use recovery for faster recovery and better performance.